Sr. Geotechnical Consultant
Professional Synopsis:
A result oriented professional with 15 years experience in Geological/Geotechnical
Studies, Geotechnical Investigations, 3D Logging, construction material survey, slope protection analysis of hilly terrain area and basement excavation and Geological
Mapping for Highway tunnel, Railway Tunnel, Thermal power and Hydropower Projects making of Geological & Geotechnical report.
Excellent communication & interpersonal skills with strong analytical, team building,problem solving and organizational abilities.
Commercial & Residential Projects:
Surface Geological mapping from Sawala kote to Ind at Tunnel-14 in USBRL project of
Jammu and Kashmir
• Geological Mapping of Dam Axis and Intake area, Power House and Surge Shaft area,
• Suggesting appropriate supports for safe tunneling work which includes Using Steel Ribs
or without ribs by applying rock bolting, shotcreting, etc.
• Indicating direction of rock bolts, spot bolts, fore poling, etc.
• Indicating Probe Hole direction and logging for ascertaining advance Geological
information and deducing Tunneling strategy.
• Supervision of Drilling work for determining Subsurface Geology and preparation of
Geological data sheets of different drill holes.
• Technical report writing.
• Instrumentation (Multiple Point Borehole Extensometers).
• Calculating Rock Mass Rating (RMR) and ‘Q’ system of rock mass for determining Tunnel
• Drilling, Sampling, Core logging and Borelog preparation.
• Conducting Geotechnical Field Tests.
• Conducting In-situ test.